Sales & Marketing Department

f_300_250_16777215_00_images_history.jpgMarketing Department:
Marketing Department has overall responsibility for Growing Revenue, Increasing Market Share and Contributing to Company Growth and Profitability. It is also responsible for advertising, publications or events.
We are marketing and promoting our products by presenting scientific articles and setting up showrooms and private negotiation accompanied by experts and specialists taken part in that event.  
With support of strong Sales and Marketing teams, professional distributors, consisting of 140 specialized medical representatives who are dedicated to pay continuously visits to more than 23000 of specialists at Hospitals and specialized Clinics all over the country and also active attendance in local exhibitions, we have been able to allocate remarkable percentage of market share to ourselves.

Sales Department:
Our sales department has particular groups consisting of one manager at headquarter office in Tehran and supervisors and visitors in other sales centers who make their duties properly for each individual brand. These teams have fair competition with each other.
In a parallel manner with our sales routine process we represent the sales of our product through ordering by Phone and Internet considering our reputation, our customers (consisting of physicians, pharmacists...) can trustfully request their desired products and receive their offers very soon.

Science Article