Researchers have generated a special kind of capsule, which can be swallowed. A micro-camera has been devised inside the said capsule. This may help physicians diagnose primary signs of esophageal cancer.
As reported by Mehr, the size of this transparent apparatus of high technology equals to that of a large Multivitamin Tablet. This swallowable camera is equipped with a special kind of laser, which rotates rapidly and radiates close infrared light ray to the esophageal wall, a tube which transmits food to stomach. Sensors record light reflection and generate minor microscopic images, which may indicate cellular changes, associated with barrett's esophagus syndrome, leading to heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux. A special kind of bridle similar to thread, is also connected to the said apparatus. This helps physicians return the said apparatus and transfer images to a monitor. According to respective tests, contracted on 13 candidates, of whom 13 persons were suffered from barrett's esophagus syndrome, the said capsule could show complete images of esophagus in less than one minute. Complete process of this test comprises examination of esophagus from top to down for four times, which takes only six minutes long. Presently, diagnostic test of barrett's esophagus syndrome takes more than one hour through Endoscopy.
According to the results obtained from the said researches, this new apparatus designates certain substructures in esophagus, which can’t be specified through traditional endoscopy.
Garry Tierney, from Massachusetts General Hospital stated: “This system presents a convincing way for study of barrett's esophagus syndrome and contrary to routine Endoscopy, the said system doesn’t need additional equipments or spaces or attendance of a specialist in Endoscopy either. He further added: “Showing three-dimensional microscopic images of esophageal layers, the said apparatus presents more details and resolution compared to those of Endoscopy”.