Babies love it, the elderly love it – and you know? You do too. But for those of you who find it hard to fall asleep, it can be a nightmare. Healthy sleep habits can make a big difference in your quality of life, your physical health and your productivity throughout the day.
According to a conducted survey (2004), no less than 40 million Americans suffer from over 70 different sleep disorders and 60 percent of adults report having sleep problems a couple of nights a week or more.
Here are 7 tips to help you improve your sleep so that you may say bye-bye to the depressing sleepless nights you spend tossing and turning and cursing your fate:
Set a schedule
Bedtime doesn’t always have to be for children. Hit the sack at the same time every night and get out of it at the same time every morning. For bedtime, pick a time when you are usually deliriously exhausted, so that you may fall asleep as soon as you get in bed. Try not to break this routine, even on weekends when it is most tempting to stay up late.
Say no to naps
Power napping is known to be helping you get through your eventful day, but if you find it hard to fall asleep at your bedtime, rejecting even short catnaps may prove helpful. However, napping wisely can actually prove beneficial.
Slow down on the alcohol
While you may want to argue that the nightcap really makes it feel easier to fall asleep, a little later in the night, when your buzz wears off, your sleep is more likely to be disturbed.
Make your bed super comfortable
Make sure you have enough room to stretch and turn comfortably. Also, many people love sleeping in a bed full of pillows-keep them. Purchase a new, perhaps medicated mattress so that you don’t have to experience sore back or aching shoulders/neck. Test with different levels of mattress firmness, foam or egg crate toppers, and pillows that provide more or less support.
Keep your room cool
The temperature of your bedroom also affects how well or for how long you sleep. Most people sleep best in a slightly cool room (Aim for somewhere between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit) with adequate ventilation.A room that’s too hot and a room that’s too cold can both interfere with quality sleep.
Turn off your television and computer early
A lot of people watch the television to relax at the end of the day. However, this does not only suppress melatonin production (a hormone that anticipates the daily onset of darkness), but watching the telly can actually excite the mind, rather than relaxing it! Instead, try listening to music, to audio books or practicing relaxation exercises.
Avoid a heavy dinner
When you’re asleep, your body pauses all the processes (except for respiration, for obvious reasons). Forcing your body to be digesting while you sleep will surely keep you up at night.
Dr. Jerry Mulder, who is a sleep apnea specialist in Grand Rapids says “Sleep makes you feel better. Nevertheless, its significance goes way beyond just boosting your mood or banishing under-eye circles. Adequate sleep is extremely essential in order to have a healthy heart, weight, mind, and so much more. “